
Sharply or quietly? How to approach psoriasis therapy


Psoriasis is the most common skin disease. As many as 1 person in 40 is affected by psiorasis. This leads to a MILLION of people with this disease in Poland! Typical scales on the skin, often itchy, can make life very difficult, leading to social isolation. The disease is considered incurable and inflammation is its cause. Before we accept that “it’s a question of genes” and “nothing can be done”, that we are doomed to chronic treatment and that we have to get used to cyclical exacerbations and remissions, it is worth considering where the inflammation comes from.
Well, inflammation is a natural reaction of the body to an external attack: bacteria, viruses, fungi and serves to fight infection. If the immune system begins to fight, although there is no intruder, this indicates its pathology.
Auxiliary T lymphocytes play a key role in psoriasis, the levels of which increase significantly, contributing to the secretion of inflammatory cytokines and the increased proliferation of skin cells. However, the dysregulated immune system affects the whole body. Thus, in patients with psoriasis, other diseases such as arthritis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease as well as depressive and anxiety disorders are more common.
Typical treatment of psoriasis is limited to external preparations, in more serious cases immunosuppressive treatment is used, and thus strongly suppressing the immune system, with many side effects.
Complementary medicine assumes that if the immune system is ill, it is worth considering the cause of this state of affairs and addressing it. It is always necessary to analyze whether the basic needs of the body are met, which include detoxification, nutrition, and oxygenation .


The body is unable to function efficiently if the amount of toxins it struggles with exceeds its ability to be removed. This affects the condition of the immune system. The body overloaded with toxins will try to remove them through the skin, which may also result in psoriatic lesions. This is why liver support, which is a key detoxifying organ, is so important.
Intravenous administration of glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, ornithine or vitamin C is an effective method of intensive liver regeneration and body detoxification.


Nutrition is another important element of a causal approach to health. It requires you to lean over it with care.
A well-functioning stomach and intestine – these are the basic conditions for good digestion and the use of nutrients from food. In a situation where the stomach secretes insufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid, and this is unfortunately a very common problem, food, instead of being a useful building block of our body, becomes an unnecessary source of allergens (undigested proteins) and toxins arising from rotting food mass.
Microbiota, and thus the whole set of beneficial bacteria and fungi that inhabit our body, working with us – is the basis of health, including the efficient functioning of the immune system. It may be amazing that in the human body, the number of cells present in these microorganisms is up to ten times greater than the number of cells in our body!Their function cannot be overestimated. They are necessary for good digestion and absorption of food. They produce B and K vitamins. But above all, lining the entire intestine, they are the first line of defense against the pathogen. They live in close symbiosis with the immune system, which only in their presence maintains a state of balance. Stress, toxins contained in food, including preservatives, antibiotics – these are all substances widespread in our environment that damage the intestinal flora. Nature does not tolerate a vacuum. If useful microorganisms start to be lacking in the intestine, other bacteria and fungi immediately replace them and do not work in our favor.
The diet of an average Pole usually leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to the content of nutrients, as well as toxin load (pesticides, heavy metals, etc.) In diagnostics, a very useful test is hair elemental analysis , which shows us the level of deficiencies in the body and the load of heavy metals. A healthy diet and targeted supplementation – this is the basis for regeneration of the digestive system.
Restoring balance in the intestine – this is a necessary condition for regulating the immune system.


Oxygenation, and thus providing the right amount of oxygen to each cell of our body – is another important need of our body that needs to be addressed. The basis is movement, preferably in the open air, which is also a remedy for overwhelming stress. However, it is not always easy to take care of this point. Especially in people with chronic tiredness who have other serious ailments, it can be difficult. Ozone therapy comes in handy, which strongly oxygenates the tissue, contributing to better functioning of the body, improving concentration, and increasing the level of life energy.


Patients who opt for ozone therapy observe a significant reduction in the frequency of exacerbations and alleviation of the course of the disease. This is because ozone, through its multidirectional effect, affects the mechanisms underlying the disease:
• leads to regulation of the overactive response of the immune system
• reduces the level of oxidative stress
• exerts an anti-inflammatory effect by acting on the NF-KB nuclear receptor

Causal therapies require a lot of commitment and determination on the part of the patient. For those who need to strengthen their strength first or expect quick effects, ozone therapy is a great solution and may be the first step to change for the better.
Finally, it is worth mentioning briefly the need for supplementation of vitamin D3, omega 3 (contained in ALA linseed oil, but also derived from algae and fish DHA and EPA), so important for the proper functioning of the immune system.
As we presented above, immunomodulation, and not necessarily immunosuppression – this is the key to health and healthy skin.


MILTA Photostimulation technology synergistically combines NPCL (Nano-Pulsed Cold Laser) laser transmitters, infrared diodes and RGB diodes (visible light: red, green and blue) in a magnetic tunnel. This synergy allows you to operate at an unmatched depth, inaccessible to conventional LEDs – due to diffusion of photons up to 13 cm in soft tissues. Emitted photons thus stimulate cell renewal processes , contributing to tissue and organ regeneration. They stimulate detoxification processes , have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-infective, anti-edema and immunostimulatory effects.


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