
What is the weather like today? I hope it's not a migraine one.

Characteristic severe, unilateral headache, often preceded by so-called aura, after excluding other causes is called migraine.
There are no special tests confirming this diagnosis, because it is one of the so-called primary headaches, that is, appearing “for no apparent reason.”
But can anything exist “without a reason”? This is a question on the border of causal medicine, detective and philosophy …
There are several theories explaining the formation of migraines, which means that none explains the phenomenon fully.
Swede Jan Erik Hardebo combined several main theories and stated that a migraine attack can occur by adding up three adverse circumstances:
• vascular reaction
• sterile encephalitis (non-bacterial and non-viral), and
• excessive neuron activity.
The vascular reaction consists in the contraction of cerebral vessels, followed by their relaxation and swelling around these vessels.
The cause of sterile encephalitis is the pro-inflammatory factors secreted in the blood vessels of the meninges. It is sterile (septic) because no pathogenic agent (virus or bacterium) is responsible for this inflammation.
The third suspicious element of the puzzle is the increased activity of cells – neurons. This condition can be caused, among others low magnesium levels in neurons or abnormal energy production in neuronal mitochondria (mitochondrial medicine).
Underlying the effectiveness of migraine treatment are the factors counteracting the problems just cited above.


through careful use of coffee, diuretics, learning how to deal with stress … It’s easy to write, harder to do, right?


In addition to choosing the right compound (e.g. malonate, malate), it may be crucial to equalize the level of silicon, without which the absorption of many elements (especially magnesium) is extremely difficult (see Hair testing).

An interesting solution is to use the skin as our great (in terms of dimensions and merits of the organ, which has both the ability to excrete toxins and absorb what is on it. There are sprays and magnesium olives for application to the skin, while for more patients or those who like long baths / soaking their feet in a bowl of warm water can use magnesium salt (usually magnesium sulfate).
In some cases, intravenous micronutrient supplementation, including magnesium, is needed. Then 100% of the dose goes into the blood, and with it – into the tissues and cells, bypassing the stage of intestinal absorption.
The second element is to improve the functioning of mitochondria, our cellular power plants. This is a slightly more complicated topic, based on supplementing possible deficiencies of other elements and many vitamins, which, unfortunately, we supply less and less with food, sun or intestines. Vegetables contain an average of 60% less vitamins and microelements compared to 1980, we are getting out of the sun less and less, and the sun is high enough above the horizon for only 3 months a year. We lack a beneficial intestinal flora that would synthesize B and K vitamins …
Also in this field it happens that we are in need and reach for supplements, sometimes intravenous.
The last but very comprehensive solution that works well for our patients is the use of systemic ozone therapy (e.g. ozone autohemotransfusion).


In addition, ozone increases the diameter of arterioles, reducing their uncontrolled contraction. It is in this mechanism that we, doctors at the Ozonotherapy Institute, look for its main beneficial effect on reducing the frequency of migraines in patients.
Often patients come to us treated in renowned German clinics, where they kept diaries with the recording of symptoms … “Record holder” had over 180 migraine days in a calendar year … For her, a reduction to 40 days a year is a significant improvement! And how it was in case of Katarzyna, our coordinating nurse?

Migraine – monotonous, throbbing headache … can last up to 72 hours. It is accompanied by photophobia, sensitivity to sounds, smells, and thus – there is nausea and vomiting. DRAMA!!! It can effectively chain to bed.
It was like that with me … I felt like an old woman. I was already sick as a teenager. I tried the diet, stopping or excluding foods that could cause migraines, but it was still not enough … I am a nurse and as soon as I started working in Salus – I immediately saw the opportunity and wanted to try ozone therapy on myself. I was not mistaken, the therapy brought the expected results, although at the beginning it was not easy: up to 6 autohemotransfusion treatments, my head ached every day, my body was cleansing, I was fighting internally. Ozone “stimulated” the immune system and not only stopped my head ache, but I also noticed that I do not catch the infection, I have more strength and energy, I do not get up with a feeling of fatigue and I do not wonder when to take a painkiller. Life again had a new taste and smell and joy.I write this in the hopping that my story will help someone to enjoy time not necessarily spent in bed again. Keep warm 🙂

Kasia Bogdanowicz


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