Liver detoxification

"I have often noticed the amazing properties of ozone in the field of liver support and its detoxification (by activating a number of enzymes, including glutathione S transferase, aldehyde dehydrogenase). Ozone also stimulates the" activation "of glutathione in the body. I invite you to look at the liver and its possibilities through the eyes of a naturotherapist. " – doctor Szymon Grzywacz


The time for holidays, vacation season has already passed, the time for “eat, drink and loose your belt.” We return to the daily menu, which for this “hot” period of trips and meetings has been replaced by the so-called barbecue, beer and other percentage liquors, ice cream and all kinds of sweets, pizza and other „fast” dishes (although not necessarily healthy) … Relaxed with “charged batteries” we go back to work and it might be good to be interested in the “leader on global market “- a 24-hour active waste treatment plant, working constantly not taking holidays, L4 etc. Liver – it does its Sisyphean work every day to keep our body healthy and it’s a pity that so often our thoughts run towards it only as a consequence of a richly sprinkled evening or too large meals. Maybe it would be worth to finally appreciate the enormity of the work it is constantly doing for us?
The body has introduced natural defense mechanisms against harmful particles, and as Dr. Lok says, ” everything you put into your mouth must pass through the liver (its activity is adjusted to the amount of xenobiotics or foreign substances introduced into it ) before it does anything useful elsewhere in the body ” . In our body, the liver is the main organ responsible for detoxification, and in patients with impaired liver function, unwanted substances tend to accumulate in the body and potentially lead to many systemic diseases. The concept of poisoning is complex, some substances can indeed be very toxic and cause endocrine disorders, organ damage and even death. Others have more insidious effects because of their progressive accumulation in the body. They can cause an increased risk of cancer by mutating DNA or disrupting enzymatic cell responses, resulting in fatigue, loss of vitality and functional disorders. It all depends on the dose, absorption route, type and severity of exposure. The long-term effects of these toxins can also add up, creating the unfortunate synergy, “cocktail effect,” but we will not deal today with the acute toxicity of substances harmful to the body, but a more insidious effect on the vitality of all these xenobiotics liver contaminating.
Like liver function and the number of mechanisms involved, the potential for liver regeneration are numerous, but there is a major need common to all of these situations: the need for functional enzymes, i.e. a diet rich in microelements (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acid sulfur) and good hydration. In this way, the liver will perform its functions effectively. Depending on the situation, you can then choose to prioritize the status of micronutrients associated with detoxifying plants (artichoke for example for toxins and garlic for heavy metals) or to support hepatocyte regeneration (desmodium) if they have been affected by drug treatment or hepatitis. Some plant extracts are used to stimulate bile secretion (cholagogue) or to evacuate it to the intestine to “dry” the liver in case of overload. There are several ways and components of food that improve liver function.
Many plant active ingredients may be of interest to support liver function and even stimulate detoxification:
• Antioxidants: vitamins C, E, B vitamins, beta-carotene, polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, trace elements (magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium), amino acids (methionine, cystine, glutamine, arginine)
• Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that strongly reduces liver fibrosis associated with hepatitis, can promote liver regeneration and reverse cirrhosis (which traditional medicine previously thought impossible) . ALA is fat soluble, which means it can penetrate deeply into the cells to exert a healing effect. What is worth paying attention to is the form in which the acid is taken. The “R” form is a form of ALA that is biologically active and has antioxidant properties. Form ‘S’ is a chemical that is made in the laboratory. The form of S-lipoic acid is found in “cheap” or lower quality supplements and is generally ineffective and biologically inactive.
• Fresh vegetables with every meal, organic, raw or cooked on a gentle fire, e.g. steaming, especially to avoid the formation of Maillard reactions.
• Turmeric has hepatoprotective properties, rich in curcuminoids also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
• Milk thistle , rich in silymarin and silybin, thanks to these properties can be useful in addition to supporting the treatment of hepatitis, also in protecting the liver from chemotherapy.
• Artichoke is rich in the bitter compound cinnabaric, which is found in the leaves, but also in phenolic acids, their content allows you to protect hepatocytes from oxidative stress. ( Note! For breastfeeding women, it is not recommended to consume artichoke, as this may inhibit lactation).
• Black radish has properties similar to artichoke, as well as cholagogue (facilitates the evacuation of bile into the intestine). It contains flavonoids and rafanol, as well as glucosinolates, which can be converted into active ingredients, such as sulforaphane, which itself induces phase II detoxification enzymes – its consumption thus optimizes the liver detoxification function. (more about liver detoxification phases in the full version of the article)
• Rosemary contains, like artichoke, phenolic acids (rosemary and coffee acids), flavonoids, terpene derivatives, diterpene quinones and aromatic essences. It can be given as an infusion of leaves.
• Broccoli (especially young shoots) contain the active ingredient from the glucosinolate family and the enzyme myrosinase, which interact with each other to produce sulforaphane, known for its cancer prevention properties, only when the plant is crunchy, chewing, to bring the two components mentioned above together – study published in the Journal of Food Science in 2013 reveals that this enzyme is inactivated by cooking or freezing.
Broccoli can also be combined with radish (white or black), cabbage (red, Chinese), arugula, watercress, strong mustard or wasabi, which also contain myrosinase.
• Wild garlic, coriander are used to eliminate heavy metals.
• Some foods support liver detoxification functions: Brussels sprouts, beets, apples, ginger, they have the property of stimulating the second phase enzyme genes, which is interesting for people presenting an unfavorable genotype (people with slow hepatic detoxification).
• Finally, desmodium ( Desmodium adscendens ) is a plant of African origin, especially interesting in the case of liver cell damage, supports the regeneration of hepatocytes : therefore it is especially recommended for liver cirrhosis, hepatitis or chemotherapy.
• It is also worth periodically to use conventional diagnostic methods and determine the activity of liver markers (transaminases, GGTP, phosphatases, etc.) or to check the concentration of bilirubin in the blood and urine.
We can also see liver function in tests, because it produces many proteins. Their functions include: secretion (albumin), transport (lipoproteins), coagulation (prothrombin).


We are surrounded by foreign particles often toxic to the body
• heavy metals, e.g. cadmium and beryllium contained in tobacco or lead, mercury, arsenic, nickel, aluminum present in some dental amalgams,
• phthalates,
• bisphenol A ,
• microorganisms,
• hormones and antibiotics contained in industrial animal meat,
• hormones and birth control pills,
• medicines,
• drugs,
• alcohol,
• chemical compounds related to food preparation, food additives such as unnatural dyes, preservatives,
• water pollution
• pesticides,
• herbicides,
• solvents,
• exhaust fumes ,
• tobacco and many more.
There may also be other sources of pollution, e.g. * endogenous toxins produced by the human body, e.g. hormonal metabolites or ammonia produced by body cells, or * exogenous if they come from a foreign body (such as botulinum toxin). This list is unfortunately not exhaustive. It can be supplemented with compounds obtained from cooking at high temperature, heterocyclic amines formed during grilling or fried dishes – compounds formed in the famous Maillard reaction give this famous taste of grilled dishes. “Good things for the palate”, “I should have some pleasure in life,” “I’ve worked all my life, so I will let myself for some things when I am retired,” many people say to me, maybe – everything is a matter of taste, but I guarantee these arguments are not satisfactory for our organisms.Our environment is very different from the environment in which our ancestors hunter-gatherers evolved, in the environment in which we operate there are so many substances completely foreign to the body, grouped under the name xenobiotics (literally “foreign particles”) . Cell machinery is organized to respond effectively, however, as with other cellular functions, everything is a matter of homeostasis: in the absence of elimination or excessive exposure to these toxins, they can accumulate in the body.
The concept of poisoning is complex, some substances can actually be very toxic and cause endocrine disorders, organ damage and even death. Others have more insidious effects because of their progressive accumulation in the body. They can cause an increased risk of cancer by mutating DNA or disrupting enzymatic cell responses, resulting in fatigue, loss of vitality and functional disorders. It all depends on the dose, route of absorption, type and severity of exposure. The long-term effects of these toxins can also add up, creating an unfortunate synergy, the “cocktail effect.” Today, however, we will not deal with the acute toxicity of substances harmful to the body, but a more insidious effect on the vitality of all these xenobiotics (i.e. chemicals from outside the body) polluting the liver.
The most characteristic signs of toxin liver overload are:
• night awakening (the liver is particularly active at night, awakening between 2 and 4 am is according to Chinese medicine, characteristic of liver weakness),
• nausea with increased sensitivity to strong odors, alcohol or caffeine, etc.
It is also worth remembering that liver metabolism is closely related to the metabolism of the intestine through the so-called enterohepatic cycle, often a disorder of the metabolism of one of the two organs affects the metabolism of the other.
The body has introduced natural defense mechanisms against harmful particles, and, as Dr. Lok says, ” everything you put into your mouth must pass through the liver (its activity is adjusted to the amount of xenobiotics introduced into it ) before it does anything useful elsewhere in the body.” In our body, the liver is the main organ responsible for detoxification , and in patients with impaired liver function, unwanted substances tend to accumulate in the body and potentially lead to many systemic diseases. Providing distribution ielimitation of xenobiotics, the liver intervenes in several stages to transform the initially toxic substance into a soluble derivative that will be excreted in urine or feces. (CAUTION! Most of these toxic molecules are fat-soluble, suggesting that they accumulate in adipose tissue cells, adipocytes. Therefore, fatty fish at the end of the food chain, such as salmon or tuna, may accumulate significant amounts of metal heavy, unlike small fish (sardines, mackerels, anchovies). The liver will eliminate these substances in III complex steps , whose proper functioning depends on the level of exposure to xenobiotics, but also on genetic predisposition and nutritional status of the whole organism:


Phase I is called functionalization. Enzymes of this phase, most often grouped under the term cytochrome P450, will “oxidize” fat-soluble toxins by adding a specific chemical radical. Oxidative stress is generally considered to be responsible for cell aging, but let’s not forget that it provides the foundation for good body function when well controlled. It is the strongest oxidation system in the body. Therefore, saturation of the body with microelements and vitamins is necessary for the optimal functioning of these enzymatic complexes: vitamins B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12, magnesium, zinc, manganese, chromium and copper are particularly important . It should be noted that the intermediates of this first phase are unstable and may be more toxic than the starting compounds, especially in the case of insufficient levels of antioxidant. This is one of the reasons for the toxicity of some drugs in people with an imbalance between these two detoxification phases. There may also be an interaction between these derivatives and some cellular proteins that cause the formation of haptens, molecules potentially involved in inflammatory or immune responses. Let’s take chronic alcoholism as an example: the first phase allows the metabolism of ethanol (alcohol) to toxic derivatives, in particular acetaldehyde, which must then be dissolved during the second phase. If there is a deficiency of phase II enzymes, intermediate metabolites will cause liver cell attack and even cirrhosis in chronic exposure. This concept of enzymatic inductance explains why people who regularly drink alcohol are less and less drunk – alcohol is rapidly converted to acetaldehyde.
The effectiveness of the second phase is, for its part, much less inducible than the first, and under the influence of many factors, among which we can mention: genetic predisposition , the species of micronutrients referred to above, and especially sulfur amino acids (methionine, cysteine, taurine) , necessary substrates for the conjugation phase.


Phase II is called conjugation, it is not intended to increase the utility of the substance, but to convert the oxidized substances from the first phase into water-soluble molecules that can be eliminated in urine. This transformation is ensured by various mechanisms depending on the nature of the substance that is attached to the original compound. This is called sulfoconjugation, glucurono conjugation, methylation or acetylation detoxification. In addition to their technical name, these reactions are dependent on the nutritional state, in particular glutathione, taurine, arginine, glutamine, ornithine, trace elements, vitamins B2, B5, B6, B9, B12 and C. Moreover, in the initial stage of the second phase, the neutralization of oxidized derivatives of the first phase occurs.


Phase III the last so-called solubilization phase, responsible for the final elimination of metabolites of the body, becoming soluble in water due to bile. The complex mechanism of liver detoxification is regulated by a balance between different phases. Depending on our “genetic suit”, our ability to convert toxins into indirect derivatives can vary significantly. In addition, the first phase is called “inducible” : enzymes can become more and more effective depending on the level of exposure to the toxic effects. This may seem at first glance as a clear advantage, but the condition is proportional to the effectiveness of phase II.
The liver filters (a healthy liver filters about 1.7 liters of blood per minute) and cleanses the blood of many substances that can be toxic. Nitrogen wastes (ammonia, NH3) resulting from catabolism of amino acids are converted to urea in the liver (urea cycle) and can therefore be eliminated by the kidneys. This organ also eliminates waste associated with catabolism of red blood cells (these cells are previously destroyed by liver cells). Together with the spleen, the liver helps break down old red blood cells into bilirubin and other bile pigments. The liver takes these products from the blood to eliminate them in the urine and faeces, when the liver is not functioning properly, bilirubin can accumulate in the body, probably giving the skin and eyes a yellowish appearance, called jaundice. In turn, alcohol is eliminated in this organ after conversion to acetaldehyde. The cells that make up the liver – hepatocytes – are created to work in such difficult conditions, are characterized by an extremely long life span, of the order of a year or even 500 days, and a significant ability to regenerate.
One might be tempted to say that this is a “good feat” and it is unbelievable that this work is performed by … a reddish-brown “mass” of four unequal lobes extending like a sea lion on the shore in the upper right abdominal cavity, under the diaphragm. I wonder if it will surprise you when I write that the list of liver functions is much longer (it has more than 300 items) and only the brain surpasses it in this ranking!
Today we will discuss the most important ones, but before we get to that, let’s look inside and take a ‘selfie’ for our liver. At the microscopic level, the liver consists of individually functioning units called lobules, in which there are blood vessels, ducts and hepatocytes. Dr Markus Grompe (Oregon Health and Science University) found that hepatocytes, metabolically active cells, constituting 80% of the liver, have features not seen in other cells of the body. While most cells have two sets of chromosomes – two sets of genetic instructions about how a cell should behave – hepatocytes can collapse and skillfully manipulate up to eight (!) sets of chromosomes.This type of complex excess chromosomes unique to the liver most likely helps explain its regenerative capacity.
The process of liver regeneration is extremely important – the organ exposed to many harmful factors is constantly damaged, and these damages must be replaced with new structures. To this end, the liver has developed the ability to “track time”. In one recent study published in the journal Cell, researchers (Ulrich Schibler and other from the University of Geneva) found that the liver grows and contracts by up to 40% every 24 hours (depending on the animal’s normal daily rhythms and the time of meals), while the organs around her barely moving. Scientists have also determined the reason for the change in dimensions. Is it extra water or glycogen? The answer is quite different – protein production increases rapidly during the active phase of the liver (food supply and lack of sleep), then these proteins are destroyed during sleep. Scientists do not yet know why the liver undergoes this extravagance, but Dr. Schibler suggested that this is part of the organ preservation program. In addition, Dr. Grompe of Oregon Health and Science University showed that due to the extreme plasticity of hepatocytes and the extraordinary ability to cope with many sets of chromosomes (they still function and divide normally), liver cells become almost like immune cells – genetically diverse enough to handle almost any poison thrown on them.
During fetal development , blood cells are born in the liver and although this task later migrates to the bone marrow, many of the unusual features of the liver are related to blood. Most organs have one blood source. The liver itself has a double blood supply: through the hepatic artery that brings oxygen-rich blood from the heart, and the portal vein that sheds the blood drained from the intestines and spleen. The latter provides the liver with semi-processed food products that require conversion, detoxification, storage, digestion, absorption, secretion, elimination. This organ is always flooded with blood (about 13% of all blood volume at a given time is in the liver). Unlike well-sealed vessels that prevent direct contact between blood and most body tissues, the walls of the arterioles and hepatic veins are filled with “holes,” which means that they are flowing blood straight onto hepatocytes. Liver cells, in turn, are covered with microvilli – convex “fingers” that significantly enlarge the surface of the cell in contact with blood. Hepatocytes swim in the blood, and this makes them so incredibly effective at taking substances from it. As the main “radar” of circulating blood, the liver tracks the body’s instant energy requirements, releasing glucose as needed from stored glycogen stores, along with any vitamins, minerals, lipids, amino acids or other micronutrients that might be needed.that they are so incredibly effective in taking substances from it. As the main “radar” of circulating blood, the liver tracks the body’s instant energy requirements, releasing glucose as needed from stored glycogen stores, along with any vitamins, minerals, lipids, amino acids or other micronutrients that might be needed that they are so incredibly effective in taking substances from it. As the main “radar” of circulating blood, the liver tracks the body’s instant energy requirements, releasing glucose as needed from stored glycogen stores, along with any vitamins, minerals, lipids, amino acids or other micronutrients that might be needed.
This is how we got to the next very important liver functions.


As mentioned above, at any time as much as 1/7 of the volume of all blood is in the liver. Its composition will be modified by the action of liver cells, which receives many substances present in the blood. It is the main organ of nutrient distribution. Hepatocytes produce bile (approx. 0.5-1 L / day), a yellow or green liquid at alkaline pH, which contains bile salts. Bile travels from liver cells through the network of channels to the gallbladder, where it is stored and concentrated (up to five times greater than the original power). During a meal, the gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine to help digestion and absorption of fats. Thanks to salts, fatty acids (glycerol) and glycerides (glycerol + 1 to 2 fatty acid chains) are absorbed through the intestinal mucosa. In the ketogenic diet they are then used for energy production. Hepatic mitochondria are stimulated to produce ketone bodies (acetoacetate, acetone and beta-hydroxybutyrate) that pass into the blood. In addition to volatile acetone, which is eliminated at the pulmonary level, ketone bodies become fuel for body cells. Bile also contains bicarbonate ions, which help neutralize the acid transported from the stomach to the small intestine. The body reabsorbs most of the bile salts in the terminal ileum and regularly sends them back directly to the liver for reuse.
We invite you to consult on the ketogenic diet at Dr. Jolanta Zięba


Bile is synthesized and secreted by liver cells, then it will be delivered to the gallbladder or directly into the duodenum. The release of bile from the gallbladder into the duodenum is triggered by the arrival of lipids into the intestine. Bile plays a special role throughout the digestive cycle as it does not contain enzymes. It consists of cholesterol , salts and bile pigments, its role is to break down large drops of fat into small fragments (i.e. emulsification – a step necessary to digest them) ). The liver and gallbladder are therefore closely related, with the first being responsible for the production of bile (0.5-1 liter per 24 hours), while the second is where it is stored. It is therefore understandable why insufficient bile production or problems with emptying the follicle will have important digestive consequences.


Metabolism refers to the complex biochemical processes and reactions that occur in the human body. The metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins requires the intervention of the liver, the organ that stores glucose (carbohydrate derivatives) and releases it when needed, thus providing a constant source of energy for the body. The liver also converts fat into a source of energy for the body. In this organ, proteins are broken down into amino acids, and the amino acids are converted into glucose, fat and proteins.
• Protein metabolism
Protein metabolism: capture of circulating amino acids (for the synthesis of proteins and glucose or gluconeogenesis), amino acid synthesis (example of glutamine), release into the circulatory system for transport to peripheral tissues and their degradation to urea for elimination. The liver not only metabolizes, but also produces and secretes most of the proteins found in the blood. Albuminis an essential protein produced by the liver that plays an important role in regulating blood volume and fluid distribution in the body. Hepatic impairment can cause low albumin levels, which results in fluid retention: edema in various parts of the body and ascites. The liver also produces ferritin (a protein used to store iron in the body), as well as hormone binding proteins, lipoproteins that help transport cholesterol, and acute phase proteins that play a role in inflammation.
• Fat metabolism
The liver participates in fat metabolism through a number of different processes, including: * bile salts secreted by fat-soluble lipid and vitamin hepatocytes are used for the synthesis of fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol (synthesis and regulation of the level), lipoproteins, bile acids, * bioavailability of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D , E, K) dissolved in bile before absorption or conversion of vitamins A, D (into its active form, which is necessary for the use of calcium), in order to metabolize it in the active form; absorption, metabolism and storage of vitamin K. A healthy human liver has a reserve of vitamin A for about two years.
• Carbohydrate metabolism
Carbohydrate metabolism: glucose storage as glycogen (glycogenesis) and degradation of glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis) to regulate blood glucose levels.


Bleeding in the body activates a complex system of plasma proteins called clotting factors that promote the formation of blood clots. The liver is responsible for producing most of the clotting factors. Some require vitamin K for synthesis, and it is the liver that produces the necessary bile salts for the intestinal absorption of this fat-soluble vitamin. Uncontrolled bleeding may occur if coagulation factors are not produced or if vitamin K is not absorbed.


The liver has several major functions related to the body’s hormones, e.g. the liver interferes with the chemical conversion of thyroid hormone to its most active form. Thyroid hormone modulates the body’s metabolic rate, including the speed with which complex biochemical processes and reactions take place. In addition, the liver secretes IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), a hormone that promotes cell growth. Angiotensinogen is another hormone produced by the liver. This hormone is part of a complex system that regulates the level of sodium and potassium in the blood (through renal mechanisms) and plays a role in controlling blood pressure. In addition, the liver regulates hormone levels by breaking down and eliminating these chemical messengers from the body when they are no longer needed.


However, the liver may be overwhelmed by the influx of xenobiotics or may have a deficiency of microelements necessary for its successful termination. Like liver function and the number of mechanisms involved, the potential for liver regeneration are numerous, but there is a major need common to all of these situations: the need for functional enzymes, i.e. a diet rich in microelements (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acid sulfur) and good hydration. In this way, the liver will perform its functions effectively. Depending on the situation, you can then choose to prioritize the status of micronutrients associated with detoxifying plants (artichoke for example toxins and garlic for heavy metals) or to support the regeneration of hepatocytes (desmodium) if they have been affected by drug treatment or hepatitis. Some plant extracts are used to stimulate the secretion of bile (choleretic action) or its escape to the intestine, in order to “dry” the liver in case of overload. There are several ways and components of food that improve liver function.
Many plant active ingredients may be of interest to support liver function and even stimulate detoxification:
• Antioxidants: vitamins C, E, B vitamins, beta-carotene, polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, trace elements (magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium), amino acids (methionine, cystine, glutamine, arginine) .
More about selected antioxidants:

The balance between free radicals and antioxidants can be checked using an oxidative stress test:

• Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that strongly reduces liver fibrosis associated with hepatitis, can promote liver regeneration and reverse cirrhosis (which traditional medicine previously thought was impossible) . ALA is fat soluble, which means it can penetrate deeply into the cells to exert a healing effect. What is worth paying attention to is the form in which the acid is taken. The “R” form is a form of ALA that is biologically active and has antioxidant properties. Form ‘S’ is a chemical that is made in the laboratory. The form of S-lipoic acid is found in “cheap” or lower quality supplements and is generally ineffective and biologically inactive.

• Fresh vegetables with every meal, organic, raw or cooked on a gentle fire, e.g. steaming, especially to avoid the formation of Maillard reactions.
• Turmeric has hepatoprotective properties, rich in curcuminoids also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

• Milk thistle , rich in silymarin and silybin, thanks to these properties can be useful in addition to the treatment of hepatitis, also in protecting the liver from chemotherapy.
• Artichoke is rich in the bitter compound cinnabaric, which is found in the leaves, but also in phenolic acids, their content allows you to protect hepatocytes from oxidative stress. (Note! Breastfeeding women is not recommended for consumption of artichoke, as this may inhibit lactation).
• Black radish has properties similar to artichoke, as well as cholagogue (facilitates the evacuation of bile into the intestine). It contains flavonoids and rafanol, as well as glucosinolates, which can be converted into active ingredients such as sulforaphane, which itself induces phase II detoxification enzymes, phase I cytochromes are inhibited by other enzymes – its consumption thus optimizes the liver detoxification function.
• Rosemary contains, like artichoke, phenolic acids (rosemary and coffee acids), flavonoids, terpene derivatives, diterpene quinones and aromatic essences. It can be given as an infusion of leaves.
• Broccoli (especially young shoots) contain an active ingredient from the glucosinolate family and an enzyme, myrosinase, which interact with each other to produce sulforaphane, known for its cancer prevention properties, only when the plant is crunchy, chewing to bring the two ingredients mentioned above together – a study published in the Journal of Food Science in 2013 reveals that this enzyme is inactivated by cooking or freezing.
Broccoli can also be combined with radish (white or black), cabbage (red, Chinese), arugula, watercress, strong mustard or wasabi, which also contain myrosinase.
• Wild garlic, coriander are used more to eliminate heavy metals
• Some foods support liver detoxification functions: Brussels sprouts, beets, apples, ginger, they have the property of stimulating the second phase enzyme genes, which is interesting for people presenting an unfavorable genotype.
• Finally, Desmodium ( Desmodium adscendens ) is a plant of African origin, particularly interesting in the case of liver cell damage, has the property of interfering with the regeneration of hepatocytes : therefore it is especially recommended for liver cirrhosis, hepatitis or chemotherapy.
• It is also worth periodically to use conventional diagnostic methods and determine the activity of liver markers (transaminases, GGTP, phosphatases, etc.) or to check the concentration of bilirubin in the blood and urine.
This insight into liver development and performance can initiate novel therapies for over 100 organ-related disorders (which are increasing worldwide, including obesity and diabetes). The liver is a very important organ that has many functions for the host. Dietary ingredients are essential and can be beneficial or harmful to a healthy or diseased liver. According to the proverb, ” closed lips do not catch flies”Choosing the best nutrients is essential for good health, especially for the liver. Prevention of liver disease using substances of natural origin is a basic component of complementary and non-pharmacological medicine. The amount of ingested substance, intake methods and vitamin-mineral-herbal combinations can be hepatoprotective (protecting the liver) or hepatotoxic (harmful to it) – e.g. old age should be considered a risk factor for cumulative toxicity caused by chemicals.
The simultaneous use of medicines and herbs sometimes leads to the interaction between herbs and medicines, so it is important to find the right people who will expertly guide us through this process, in addition to proper knowledge of natural remedies.
We invite you to consult the doctors of the Salus Ozonotherapy Institute. Complementary Medicine
• The work of Prof. Narbonne – French toxicologist author of the book “Sang pour sang toxic”
• Anthony Berthou Conferences
• GD Foster HR Wyatt JO Hill Weight and metabolic outcomes after 2 years on a low-carbohydrate versus low-fat diet: A randomized trial.Ann Intern Med 2010 (153) [Medline]
• GD Brinkworth M Noakes JD Buckley JB Keogh PM. Clifton Long-term effects of a very-low-carbohydrate weight loss diet compared with an isocaloric low-fat diet after 12 mo.Am J Clin Nutr 2009 (90) [Medline]
Maria Magdalena Rosiak – a graduate of naturotherapy at GWSP Chorzów


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