

“In the morning I barely get up from bed, I am still sleepy, I have no strength for anything, I am still cold, I can not cope with the growing weight …”
– These are complaints from so many women!

Hypothyroidism is the bane of modern times. Wherever we look, we meet people affected by this ailment, and women predominate among them. The main culprit is Hashimoto’s disease – autoimmune thyroiditis.
Although the incidence of this disease is constantly increasing, accurate data on the number of cases in Poland is not known, because no detailed statistics are kept. Patients diagnosed are just the tip of the iceberg, as the disease usually developing slowly and insidiously may delay the diagnosis, and preventive examinations in this direction are not conducted.
What do Americans have to say about this?
Almost 40 years ago, Dr. Broda Barnes in his book “Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness,” said that 4 out of 10 people living in the United States suffer from hypothyroidism, and more than 90% of all cases of hypothyroidism are associated with Hashimoto.
Dr. David Brownstein is of the same opinion: in his book Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, he states that 40% (52 million) of Americans suffer from hypothyroidism.


Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism – the way the body uses energy – and affect every cell in our body.
Autoimmune disease is a disorder in which the immune system, instead of defending the body, begins to attack it. In Hashimoto’s disease, the thyroid is the target organ. This leads to inflammation and disruption of the basic function of the organ, and thus the production of hormones. When the thyroid does not produce enough hormones for the body, we are talking about its hypothyroidism. Without enough thyroid hormones, many body functions slow down. Hence drowsiness, fatigue, thermoregulation disorders and many other symptoms.
Research shows increased TSH values and lowering thyroid hormone levels fT3, fT4, as well as the presence of anti-thyroid antibodies anti TPO and anti TG.
If thyroid hormones are lacking and they are necessary in the body, they should be supplemented. This is often necessary, but certainly not sufficient. It is worth asking yourself:


Why does the body instead of fighting the enemy begin to attack itself?
There are many reasons. Although in each patient they form a different constellation of unsatisfied needs of the body and it is impossible to say what was first, usually they all coexist with varying degrees of severity.
Certain toxins accumulating in the body for years should be mentioned, including fluorine and bromine as well as heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, as well as aluminum. The presence of such “uninvited guests” disturbs the relationship of normal micronutrients, often leading to deficiencies, among which the most important are deficiencies of selenium, zinc, magnesium and iodine. The condition of the digestive tract deteriorates, which many enzymes need for the proper function of nutrient minerals. A weaker stomach loads intestines with undigested food, which instead of being a source of nutrients, becomes a source of toxins. The intestinal flora is changing, which is the basic ally of the immune system. The intestinal mucosa, exposed to toxins and insufficiently protected by beneficial microorganisms, is subject to inflammatory processes,which leads to loosening of connections between intestinal epithelial cells and leaky gut syndrome. Toxins and undigested food particles begin to enter the blood. The immune system is subjected to a great test, which it is often unable to cope with. In addition, the body’s natural detoxification pathways are blocked by excess toxins, and glutathione plays the most important role in them. A kind of “vicious circle” mechanism is created. If we add chronic stress and exhausted adrenal syndrome to this set, and hidden infections such as Lyme disease, then the “goblet of bitterness” is overflowing.which it is often unable to meet.
Is it enough to supplement the missing hormones? Of course, you can stop there by getting a significant improvement, but unresolved problems remain working to your disadvantage.


Its tip is clearly visible in laboratory tests. Getting to the base can be difficult and complicated, it requires active participation of the patient in the therapeutic process, as well as time. However, this approach reactivates our body to proper work, finds the causes and eliminates them, contributing to the extinction of autoimmune processes and balancing the hormonal balance.
One of the important steps on this path is to examine the level of nutritional and toxic minerals in the body, which can be validly assessed by examining the hair. Proper diet and supplementation – is another step in the right direction.
On this difficult path, intravenous procedures can be an unparalleled help, because they intensively support the body on many levels, accelerating significantly the effects of our actions.



It is a compound that occurs in all cells of our body and is the basis for detoxification processes. Unfortunately, in the thicket of toxins that our body struggles with, it is easy to deplete this life-giving substance.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant, so it protects our body against free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides. All toxins contribute to the formation of excess free radicals in our body, with heavy metals at the forefront, leading to damage to cell membranes. This is one of the important pathomechanisms involved in the emergence of autoimmune disease. In thyroid tissue, excess hydrogen peroxide leads to damage to such important proteins as thyroid peroxidase (TPO) or thyroglobulin (TG).
The thiol groups present in glutathione have a high affinity for heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and allow their removal from the body. The presence of glutathione determines, among others effective action of vitamin C.


It is an antioxidant, capable of penetrating the cell membrane, as well as crossing the blood-brain barrier. It has the function of chelating heavy metals. This is important because lead and mercury accumulate especially in the brain. In addition, alpha lipoic acid increases the production of glutathione in the body. It regenerates the liver and nervous tissue.


In Poland, there is a widespread deficiency of this element, and its lowest concentration is recorded in people from the Mazowieckie voivodship. Selenium protects against mercury, methylmercury, cadmium and lead poisoning. It is also a key element of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which protects, among others thyroid cells against oxidative stress as well as deiodinase converting fT4 to fT3. The presence of selenium in the body prevents goiter and autoimmune thyroid processes.
In addition, the correct ratio of selenium and iodine in the body protects it from the harmful effects of arsenic. Arsenic causes an increase in TSH and inhibits the enzyme TPO (thyroid peroxidase), which is involved in the production of thyroid hormones.


Zinc is also an important element for thyroid function. Low levels of zinc block the production of TSH, and this causes low levels of T4 and T3 hormones. Zinc is also an essential part of the deiodinase enzyme. Therefore, with zinc deficiency, there is no conversion of the T4 hormone into the active form of T3. This can lead to symptoms such as hair loss, fatigue and weight gain. Low levels of zinc also correlate with increased levels of autoimmunity, as seen by large amounts of thyroid antibodies (a / TPO and a / TG) in patients with hypothyroidism.


After supplementing the necessary nutrients and vitamins, ozone can effectively regulate metabolic processes in the body in the following mechanisms:
• Immunomodulating effect , i.e. directing the immune system to the right track. Overactive processes are silenced, so it hits the very basis of the disease from auto-aggression. An additional action is strengthening in the fight against hidden infections, which often coexist with Hashimoto’s disease.
• Anti-inflammatory effect – calms down inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland and other organs.
• Antioxidant effect – helps deal with excess free radicals in the body.
• Supporting tissue oxygenation – increases brain and muscle oxygenation, adds energy to a tired body.


MILTA Photostimulation technology synergistically combines NPCL (Nano-Pulsed Cold Laser) laser transmitters, infrared diodes and RGB diodes (visible light: red, green and blue) in a magnetic tunnel. This synergy allows you to operate at an unmatched depth, inaccessible to conventional LEDs – due to diffusion of photons up to 13 cm in soft tissues. Emitted photons thus stimulate cell renewal processes , contributing to tissue and organ regeneration. They stimulate detoxification processes , have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-infective, anti-edema and immunostimulatory effects.


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