Rebuilding the immune system

one of the faster methods to improve the body's resistance is ozone therapy

Rebuilding the immune system

In many situations we meet with a very weakened immune system. It is the foundation on which recurrent infections, mycoses and even cancer develops after many years.
There are many ways to support immunity:
• caring for the so-called hygiene of life: daily portion of being in the fresh air, movement, healthy eating, good mood, rest,
• restoration of normal intestinal flora,
• oral supplementation (vitamin D3, beta glucans, plant immunostimulants),
• sauna, hardening (cold showers, sea water),
• medical capping.
Sometimes patients do not have time to wait for effects, and this is not about impatience, but necessity, because the disease progresses quickly. Only intensive activities give a chance for success. One of the faster methods of improving the body’s immunity used at the Institute of Ozone Therapy are:
• ozonotherapy (including small autohemotransfusion),
• infusions of vitamin C , zinc, vitamins A, B6 and E ,
• administration of thymus extract.


MILTA Photostimulation technology synergistically combines NPCL (Nano-Pulsed Cold Laser) laser transmitters, infrared diodes and RGB diodes (visible light: red, green and blue) in a magnetic tunnel. This synergy allows you to operate at an unmatched depth, inaccessible to conventional LEDs – due to diffusion of photons up to 13 cm in soft tissues. Emitted photons thus stimulate cell renewal processes , contributing to tissue and organ regeneration. They stimulate detoxification processes , have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-infective, anti-edema and immunostimulatory effects.


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