Diabetic foot

with the help of ozone, the body will cope with the problem of diabetic foot


Diabetes – one disease that leads to so many complications – problems that people with diabetes have to deal with every day. Initially, there is no indication that there is “something wrong.” One day it turns out that too much “sugar” – glucose – is found in routine blood or urine tests. Doctors then recommend a more thorough examination, appropriate diet, change of lifestyle, sometimes at this time it is necessary to take anti-diabetic tablets or temporarily insulin. All this so that too high blood sugar levels do not lead to more serious complications.
In some sooner, in others later, but usually with time we observe the effects of “swollen” atherosclerosis – most of the blood vessels (arteries) are narrowed by so-called atherosclerotic plaques. Systemic inflammation combined with too high levels of LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides in people with diabetes and high blood sugar lead to deposits in the arteries – just the abovementioned atherosclerotic plaques.


This applies to virtually the entire body – the eye (so-called diabetic retinopathy), kidneys (diabetic nephropathy), heart (coronary artery disease – “coronary artery, which eventually results in a heart attack), brain (ischemic stroke and often fatal effects). The nerves are no better – they are also ischemic and malfunctioning (diabetic neuropathy – i.e., e.g. nerve dysfunction, e.g. sensory disturbances, lack of sensation or various types of pain).
People with diabetes also often have a variety of infections, such as the urinary tract. “Sweet” urine is a great environment for bacterial growth.
The culmination and accumulation of all the above-mentioned complications of diabetes is the problem of diabetic foot.


A common screenplay for this drama is as follows:
An elderly person who has problems with eyesight and movement, and thus objective problems in maintaining proper hygiene of e.g. feet, did not notice that her favourite shoes wiped a little big toe of the left foot. One small “settlement” in a big city, which is the human body. The shoes were very comfortable, but in the summer for swollen feet turned out to be too tight. Unfortunately, the worn finger did not hurt (diabetic neuropathy).
Sensory disorders led to the fact that such important information, which is pain, was not noticed by the supervisor – the brain. The morning on the big toe grew gradually, becoming a great hideout for many bacteria over time. A healthy body would quickly deal with such a problem. Here, the foot in which there are problems with sensation and circulation, will not cope alone. White blood cells (cleaning and defense services in one person) will not “clean up” bacteria and dead cells – they have a basic problem even with getting to this place (blood vessels, these streets – the arteries they should arrive – are too narrowed or even “clogged” “). Red blood cells (erythrocytes) with oxygen, necessary for the proper functioning of all body cells, also “get stuck in traffic” elsewhere and will not give life-giving breath. Also, other essential blood-borne ingredients will not help fight the wound and infection. The “disposal of waste” also fails – in the place of infection, in an oxygen-free environment, toxic metabolites accumulate – acid waste.
Thus, a small problem becomes a problem on the scale of the whole “city”. Over time, the finger is dead and requires amputation to prevent infection of the whole body and sepsis.


Here, ozone comes in handy. It is a three-atom oxygen molecule (O3) that has a number of beneficial effects on the human body:
• has more than 10 times better blood oxygenation (erythrocytes and plasma),
• makes erythrocytes more elastic and more efficiently squeeze into narrow streets – narrowed blood vessels,
• will urge erythrocytes to get rid of oxygen in favor of those places that are hypoxic,
• will indicate where the body is to create new blood vessels – new paths through which oxygen and nutrients will be introduced to organs that are thirsty for oxygen,
• cleanse cholesterol deposits – atherosclerotic plaques and “unplug” important “arteries of the estate and city,”
• it also has the strength to “kill” intruders – including bacteria and viruses, including the most virulent – resistant to antibiotics.


According to various authors, up to 67% of the rates qualified by surgeons for amputation can be saved thanks to ozone therapy! So in three out of five cases we are able to save a finger, foot or leg!
What’s more, ozone does not end its beneficial activities. It will cause the sugar level to normalize and the patient will gradually discontinue antidiabetic drugs! Insulin doses will be reduced and often even discontinued. And then – reducing the number of anti-diabetic tablets you take, and eventually stopping them.


MILTA Photostimulation technology synergistically combines NPCL (Nano-Pulsed Cold Laser) laser transmitters, infrared diodes and RGB diodes (visible light: red, green and blue) in a magnetic tunnel. This synergy allows you to operate at an unmatched depth, inaccessible to conventional LEDs – due to diffusion of photons up to 13 cm in soft tissues. Emitted photons thus stimulate cell renewal processes , contributing to tissue and organ regeneration. They stimulate detoxification processes , have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-infective, anti-edema and immunostimulatory effects.


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