
Complementary therapy of cancer patients


Cancer is a condition in which the body develops uncontrolled cell growth, which under the influence of a genetic mutation ceases to count on the host’s instructions and loses its ability to apoptosis (i.e. programmed death). For this state to occur, a single cell mutation is not enough. Cancer cells are formed in the body of every person, and not everyone has cancer. This is due to the immune system, which protects us not only against infections, but also against cancer, absolutely killing every mutated cell before it begins to grow stronger through subsequent cell divisions.
Detection of cancer indicates that the immune system does not perform its function properly in the body for at least a few years before the diagnosis. Because before one mutated cell forms the smallest detectable tumor through subsequent divisions, a long time is needed, often years go by. This is the period when the immune system does not fulfill its function. He usually sends us some signals that it is not good: in the form of recurrent headaches, constant fatigue, frequent infections, allergic or autoimmune diseases. Usually, however, these signals are ignored and treated only symptomatically. We have so many more important things on our minds! Meanwhile, the body is struggling with powerful toxin poisoning, gastrointestinal dysfunction, in which intestinal dysbiosis plays a huge role,as well as nutrient deficiencies such as vitamins, trace elements, and amino acids. The level of free radicals increases, resulting in oxidative stress and further cell damage. The level of acidification of the body increases. At some point we hear the diagnosis: cancer. And it almost always falls like “thunderbolt”.
Complementary medicine always wants to respond to the needs of the body. Regardless of the stage of the disease the patient is in, regardless of the treatment strategy he chooses. This task, of course, can be more or less complicated, and the effects more or less visible, but any action taken will improve the functioning of the body. The to-do list is long. We must take care of the digestive tract and its microflora, get rid of toxins from the body and take care of the organs responsible for it, supplement nutrient deficiencies, oxygenate the body, take care of emotions, good sleep. This plan assumes the active role of the patient in the therapeutic process.
Our body needs time to recover. Especially when we are dealing with the persistent dissatisfaction of the basic needs of every cell of our body for many years. Because this time is at a premium for us, and work so much that “you do not know what to put your hands in”, it is worth reaching for an intensive form of therapy in the form of intravenous infusions.
Ozonotherapy, vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid, glutathione – these are just some of the natural substances that will help us intensively strengthen the body.


Ozone therapy through its antioxidant, immunomodulatory, strong tissue oxygenation, regulation of protooncogen activity, as well as the effect on tissue regeneration finds an important place in complementary therapy of oncological patients:

  • Activation of the body’s internal antioxidant systems counteracts malignant DNA mutation. Seemingly there is a paradox here. Ozone, which is an active form of oxygen, and thus an oxidant / free radical, is also a factor that activates the body’s antioxidant systems. This happens when it is administered in appropriately low concentrations. The human body has over a dozen different antioxidant systems, operating in different mechanisms. After ozone therapy, all of the body’s internal antioxidant systems are activated. Thanks to this, the body is able to cope with many other free radicals present in the body. And yet we know that free radicals, including free oxygen radicals, not only affect the worse functioning of organs, skin appearance, but above all are factors that damage DNA – they are mutagenic and carcinogenic. This is one of the mechanisms in which ozone is anti-cancer.
  • Immunomodulatory action – is a regulation of the functioning of the immune system, which is activated to search for and eliminate mutated cancer cells. As you know, it is the dysfunction of the immune system that leads to the onset of cancer;
  • Strong oxygenation of the body’s tissues reduces the areas of anaerobic acidification where cancer formation is most likely. In 1931, German biochemist Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for confirming the theory of cancer formation in an acidified organism.
  • Regulation of gene activity in all cells of the body, including genes responsible for controlling cell division, protooncogenes and others, which, functioning in a defective manner, intensify cell division (and this is what tumor growth is all about – this is the endless division of cells that have become ” immortal “).
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration in patients after chemo and radiation therapy- it is an extremely important role that ozone plays in supportive care. It is about supporting the regeneration of healthy cells of the body, which after chemotherapy struggle with powerful oxidative stress; for the bone marrow to re-produce white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets, and thereby recover from anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Thanks to this, the next dose of chemotherapy can be given at the right time, and only the possibility of timely intake of chemotherapy is a rational condition for the success of chemotherapy. Also, other side effects that are associated with killing quickly dividing cells of the body can be reduced with the help of ozone therapy and infusions of vitamin C. These are problems with the digestive tract (erosions of the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, …) , mucositis, hair loss, skin problems,and finally, infertility.


Low doses of vitamin C regenerate the exhausted body of cancer. The effects of vitamin C complement with ozone therapy, but they do not replace it, because they occur in different mechanisms.


Vitamin C molecule is a powerful antioxidant, so it directly deals with scavenging free radicals and reducing the level of oxidative stress in the body.


Adequate saturation of the body with vitamin C is necessary for the immune system to function properly. It is the basic nutrient for immune cells. Vitamin C enhances lymphocyte proliferation, antibody production, phagocytosis, and interferon synthesis.
Vitamin C administered intravenously in high doses plays the role of a “Trojan horse” in cancer cells.
Vitamin C in the form of the sodium ascorbate metabolite is transported to the cell through the same GLUT-1 receptor through which glucose enters each cell. The number of glucose receptors on their surface is much higher, compared to healthy cells. Consequently, the amount of vitamin C in cancer cells reaches a much higher value than in healthy cells.
Cancer cells have two basic characteristics that damage them through high doses of vitamin C:

  • A large number of glucose receptors. Vitamin C molecules penetrate the cancer cell through these receptors, reaching a concentration higher than in healthy cells.
  • Reduced activity of intracellular enzymes that neutralize hydrogen peroxide produced with the help of vitamin C.


1. Accumulation of vitamin C (cancer “eats” with vitamin C, “thinking” it’s glucose).
2. The accumulation of compounds, such as H2O2 (produced with the help of vitamin C), leading to the formation of a large amount of free radicals (oxidative stress) – the effect of the “Trojan horse”.
3. Damage to the cancer cell leading to its death.
At the same time, high blood levels of vitamin C are not harmful to healthy cells.


The study, confirming the cited mechanism of action of high doses of vitamin C, published the prestigious journal Science regarding two types of mutations of particularly aggressive colorectal cancer (‘Vitamin C selectively kills KRAS and BRAF mutant colorectal cancer cells by targeting GAPDH’ (Science. 2015 Dec 11 ; 350 (6266): 1391-6. Doi: 10.1126 / science.aaa5004. Epub 2015 Nov 5.)
Many studies confirm that the use of vitamin C in the form of intravenous infusions extends the lives of cancer patients, and also improves the quality of life:

  • ONCOLOGY. Vitamin C could target some common cancers. (Science. 2015 Nov 6; 350 (6261): 619. Doi: 10.1126 / science.350.6261.619.)
  • Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer with Pharmacological Ascorbate. (Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2015; 16 (9): 759-70.)
  • Potential Role of Metabolic Intervention in the Management of Advanced Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. (Front Oncol. 2017 Jul 25; 7: 160. Doi: 10.3389 / fonc.2017.00160. ECollection 2017.)
  • Epigenetic impacts of ascorbate on human metastatic melanoma cells. (Front Oncol. 2014 Aug 25; 4: 227. Doi: 10.3389 / fonc.2014.00227. ECollection 2014.)


MILTA Photostimulation technology synergistically combines NPCL (Nano-Pulsed Cold Laser) laser transmitters, infrared diodes and RGB diodes (visible light: red, green and blue) in a magnetic tunnel. This synergy allows you to operate at an unmatched depth, inaccessible to conventional LEDs – due to diffusion of photons up to 13 cm in soft tissues. Emitted photons thus stimulate cell renewal processes , contributing to tissue and organ regeneration. They stimulate detoxification processes , have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-infective, anti-edema and immunostimulatory effects.


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